Thing I’m no longer apologizing for.

  1. My feelings~whether others understand them or not.

2. Having boundaries and holding to them.

3. Saying no to things I’m not interested in doing.

4. Needing to take a break and enjoy some alone time.

5. How other people behave. That’s their responsibility, not mine.

6. Putting myself first. I’m allowed to pour into myself and not feel guilty about it.

7. Not settling for less than I deserve.

8. Letting go of things that no longer serve me and people who are not good for or to me.

9. Not allowing people to talk down to me.

10. Not staying quiet when someone throws jabs at me “innocently” through “jokes”.

11. Not allowing myself to be used.

12. Staying away from people who drain my energy, my peace, my soul.

13. Ignoring the opinions of others that don’t enhance my life.

For years I let everything slide. I didn’t have strong, and in some cases, boundaries. I was always trying to be the bigger person. Always trying to keep the peace, much of the time at my own expense. That’s where I disrespected myself. But no more. I deserve the love, kindness, and respect that I freely give to others and never again will I settle for less. And neither should you. Never forget that you deserve to take care of yourself in whatever way you need to regardless of how others feel about it. You matter. You always have and always will.

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