Life’s a dance.

Life truly is a dance. And sometimes it’s a very, very delicate dance of trying to get it all done while not killing ourselves in the process. I know this is true for most of us. We have so many responsibilities, so many things we have to do, and so many things we think we need to do. And many times we get to the end of the day or the end of the week and are left feeling exhausted, depleted, and/or frustrated and are wondering where did the time go? Did we get it all done? And are we going to have the strength to do it all over again?

I know for me that recent years have held many good times and some very overwhelmingly stressful and sad times. It also has been a very busy time for me with trying to get this blog up and running with all the writing, learning, and steps involved. I’m also trying to spend more time with the people who are important to me which has found me several times on planes and in cars going to different destinations with more to come. I’m also trying to take better care of myself and regain my health and strength after several months of back to back illnesses and major life changes. And also dealing with the usual maintenance that comes with being a home owner and the current strong desire to update, freshen up, and make my home even more of a sanctuary and oasis than it already is.

I know I’m blessed to have the issues I have now as opposed to the issues I had before and I am truly grateful, but most days I still find it difficult to get everything done that I want to do, and everything that I need to do, and I frequently struggle with finding the right balance.

Life is about balance, about finding that balance that works best for you and the life you want to live. One way to help find the right balance is to take a long hard look at how you spend your time. Time is something we can’t get back but we can prioritize how we spend it. Pay attention to how you spend your time and your days. How many things are you wasting your time and energy on without even realizing it? Where can you make adjustments to free up time for the things that are truly important to you? There are some things we can’t control but focusing on and adjusting the ones we can is much more productive and being as intentional as possible with our time is one of them.

One area of lost time for many people is social media. It is very easy to go down the rabbit hole with this one. You think you’ll look at something quickly and before you know it several hours have gone by. The time is gone, nothing productive is done, and now you’re rushing even faster to catch up. It’s important to learn to use social media more intentionally. Don’t just mindlessly scroll. Follow people who inspire and motivate you, people you can learn from. Put their podcasts and reels on speaker phone and listen to them while working on your other chores and responsibilities instead of just sitting there staring at the screen. Schedule limited time for social media that’s important to you and stick to that time limit.

Another way to prioritize time is to look at areas where you can give a little and still be comfortable. My house used to be absolutely spotless. My kids used to tell people you could eat off my floors they were so clean. Looking back now I can’t really find a valid reason why that used to be so important to me and why I put so much energy and effort into it. Do I still keep my house clean? Yes. Is everything in its place at all times? No. Could you still eat off my floors? Many days, but not always. Am I ok with that? Yes. Because as I get older I’m learning how short life really is and how important, and sometimes how NOT important, some things are.

Another part of finding balance in your life is finding time for YOU. In the midst of the everyday chaos that life can be it is also so very important to find and take time for ourselves too. Time to regroup, to rejuvenate, to do the things~even the small things~that bring us joy and uplift our own spirits. Frequently we don’t do the things we enjoy, the things that bring us pleasure because we’re afraid of wasting our time. We think we need to be productive and “on the go” at all times. But that’s not true. You don’t always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes it’s perfectly okay, and absolutely necessary, to shut down, kick back, and do nothing. Sometimes you just have to rest. The world can wait. Some days are all about taking care of yourself and there’s not a darn thing wrong with that.

It’s about finding the balance between doing the every day things we need to do while also cherishing the blessings in front of us, making memories, nurturing ourselves while caring for others, and enjoying as much of this brief life as possible.

So do what you need to do to find balance in your life. Work hard but don’t let work take over your life. Let go of whatever is stealing your happiness. Embrace change. Embrace life. Create the life that you want in all areas and in all ways. And don’t stress if you don’t get it all done. It takes time to build new schedules and new habits. Do the best you can, take care of yourself and your loved ones to the best of your ability, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

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