Let your story be someone else’s survival guide.

Have you ever thought that maybe the things we go through are the things we are supposed to go through, not only so we can learn the lessons and find our way, but maybe so we can help others find their way?

I have been through so much trauma and hard times in my life. Some of it was of my own making do to poor choices but much of it was also beyond my control and things that I was forced by circumstances to go through. Many times I wasn’t sure I’d survive and make it to the other side. But I have always kept my faith and have always managed to keep looking for the light and at times, usually when I didn’t have the strength to even get up off my knees anymore, God sent the right people at the right time. Granted sometimes it felt like the last minute of the last hour but they showed up and that’s what mattered.

And it wasn’t always straightforward. They showed up in many ways. Sometimes it was a person I knew who had a similar story. Sometimes it was a book I ran across while shopping, or a story on the radio while driving somewhere. Frequently it was a podcast or a Facebook story that many people commented on, sharing their story and offering comfort and guidance to others going through it, and that made a big impact on me by showing me that I wasn’t alone. It showed me that others were going through it or similar things too and that many had not only made it through to the other side but had succeeded in creating a better life for themselves. It’s so comforting to know that others have been there, that others “get it”, and it also showed me that if they survived it then so could I.

It helps a lot to see that your situation is not unique and that there are answers and clarity out there. It helps us all to share and to know that we are not alone and that we can heal and learn and grow with love and support from others who have been or may be going through the same or similar things.

We should also share our stories because we don’t want to see other people suffer like we did. We share our stories to let others learn from our experiences. And sharing our stories can also be therapeutic for us. It gives us a chance to vent, to release thoughts and emotions, to learn and see things and have new epiphanies that we may not have otherwise had, which can be helpful in our own healing and efforts to move forward.

You may also be inspiring people who you don’t even realize are watching you. Just by showing up, being honest, sharing yourself and your experiences just might give someone else the courage to make a life changing decision. Sometimes it takes getting confirmation of what you already know deep inside you by someone who has already been there to finally take the action that is truly best for you and sometimes this is the nudge that others need to move in the right and best direction for them.

And that’s why it’s so important to share our stories, but only if it’s safe to do so! If you are in an unsafe situation and haven’t gotten to the point where you’re far enough removed to share your story without potential harm then please don’t! Always protect yourself first but stay connected to others for strength and inspiration and wait to tell your story at a later time.

But if you are in a safe place in your life speak freely and loudly. Remember, you own everything that has happened to you and if people wanted you to talk/write warmly about them then they should have behaved better.

And don’t ever let anyone tell you that you are trying to be a victim or attention seeking for sharing your story. You are a survivor and you just never know who needs your light, your wisdom, your courage. Never think that what you have to offer is insignificant. There will always be someone out there that needs what you have to give. Use your voice. Share your knowledge. Offer your support and encouragement to others who are fighting their way through similar things and are still trying to make it to the other side. When you know that you can be a blessing, that you have the knowledge to help a person in need, or the ability to teach them skills that you’ve learned, do it.

I hope that whoever you are, wherever you are, and whatever path you’re on that maybe, just maybe, some of the words I’ve shared here reach you, and encourage you, and help you at least start finding your way.

And maybe one day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you are going through now and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide.

Best wishes to all no matter where you are in your journey.

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