No matter what-Don’t give up!

Have you ever been at your wits end? Have you ever been so confused that you didn’t really know which way was up? Have you ever had the feeling “I know I need to do something but I don’t know what that something is”?

Life is full of trials and tribulations. Some are relatively easy to navigate and solve and some require a teamwork approach with a village effort. Some are a brief blip on your radar, a temporary annoyance, and some are life altering events. Some bring you out stronger on the other side, and some leave you feeling like you are being torn apart from the inside out.

Maybe the circumstances in your life have caused you to lose courage and hope. Maybe you’re going through a storm in your life and you can’t see a way out or how and when it will end. You may find yourself at your wits end without any clear direction as to what to do next. Many times there are no clear or easy solutions. Many times you just need to rest, to take some time to calm yourself, to sort out what you’re going to do next. It’s important to be still during times of confusion. Frequently when people are emotional they don’t make the best choices. It’s times like these that it’s best to wait until you are thinking more clearly before proceeding and making decisions whenever possible.

Sometimes you will have difficult days and moments that feel impossible. That’s normal. It’s ok to feel scared and unsure. It’s ok to rest for awhile, to take some time to regroup. But then pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. Don’t ever stop believing in your ability to make it through. And don’t underestimate the power of prayer. Talk to God. Keep your faith. Trust that He knows what’s best for you and that He will see you through. Storms, pain, and problems are a reality of life. Don’t quit or give up. When you find yourself at your wits end dig in your heels, tie a knot and hang on, and talk to God and believe in His divine intervention and ability to get you to where you need to be.

No matter what happens you have to find it within yourself to keep going and refuse to quit. Don’t ever give up. Continue moving forward every day. Better days are ahead. Every rising sun is a new morning, a new day, a new hope, a new chance to believe in better things. You will heal. You will find new strength and new light that you didn’t know you had within you. Keep dreaming. Keep growing. Keep trying new things. There are still so many beautiful experiences you have yet to see and enjoy. No matter where you are, no matter what you are going through, know that better is yet to come.

Sending you positive energy, love, and light. You are stronger than you know.

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