The fork in the road.

Frequently in life we will come to a crossroad, a fork in the road where tough choices and decisions need to be made. In these situations you will be presented with two choices: keep making the same choices that keep you stuck in the same place, or open a new door and choose a different path with the possibility of better things.

Sometimes these crossroads come at you out of the blue because of events out of your control or the actions of others. Sometimes it’s a feeling that has been brewing for awhile, a long time simmering deep inside of you where you know that you’re just not happy with how things are but you’re unsure what to do about it.

The first thing you need to do when you find yourself in these situations is to start asking yourself questions. Do you stay at the same job that’s killing you physically and/or emotionally or do you quit and move onto something better? Do you start that dream business or continue to fantasize about it and the life you would have, all the while knowing it will never happen because you didn’t try? Do you stay in that relationship that is draining your soul and deep down you know it isn’t going anywhere positive but you stay because change is hard and the known is more comfortable to you than the unknown? Or do you gather your strength, end it, heal, move forward, and open your heart and life up to the opportunities and possibilities of a real love that meets your needs with someone who makes the effort and pours into you as much as you pour into them?

Change is scary, it’s true. But fear of change can keep you stuck for years in situations you don’t want to be in. Would you rather continue living day in, day out, not being truly happy? Would you rather keep trudging through each day just hoping to make it through to the end instead of really living? Do you want to be on your deathbed looking back at your life with a heart full of regrets because you were afraid of change, afraid to take a chance, afraid to take a leap of faith?

The choice is yours. It’s not always easy and there rarely seems to be clear cut answers. But it is necessary if you want change, if you want bigger and better things, if you want to live your best life.

So fight for that career, that dream job, that dream business and let go of the one that is sucking the life out of you. Fight for the important people in your life, the ones that make a real effort to be a part of your life, the ones that have your back at all times, the ones that show up for you and show you that they value and appreciate you, and let go of the rest.

Be brave enough to make the needed changes to live a better life and let go of the things and people that keep pulling you down and keep stealing your peace. I know it’s scary to face change, to face the unknown, but you truly do not need to see the whole staircase to take the first step. Take a leap of faith, trust God’s plan for your life, and get out there and live-truly live!

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