Nice to meet you

Hey, there!

I am, and have been, many things in my life – a daughter, a mother, a grandmother, a wife, a caregiver, a widow, a nurse, a friend, a cancer survivor, and many other things.

I am also a supporter, an encourager, and a survivor of life and of more trauma than you can imagine but I still believe in hope, in love, in helping others, and in putting as much good out in to the world as we can.

Everything I have gone through has given me a ton of life experience – more than I ever imagined, wanted, or needed but received anyway. I am also still healing, and learning, and growing, and discovering and I’d like to share my journey with others and encourage you through your journey.

Life is a journey and no matter what you are going through or have gone through, if you keep the faith, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and keep moving forward there is love and light on the other side and you will find it. You will find new beginnings, new chances, new love, new happiness, new adventures, and new life.

Part of what makes the ride more enjoyable and frequently the load more bearable are the people you travel the journey with. And that is my goal here – to build a community of kind, supportive, uplifting people. To share love, and support, and knowledge. To create a no judgement zone where everyone feels welcomed, included, and important. Where everyone can come to know that they are not alone and to connect with others.

I don’t claim to have it all figured out but I will continue to share the lessons I have learned and the discoveries I make along the way and hopefully together we can spread love and light and kindness and at least make our little corner of the world a better place for all of us.

So what do you say? Are you ready to join me on this journey called life? If so – Welcome aboard!